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Thesis supports the safety of the Atlas Care neck stretcher

The Atlas Care neck stretcher has received new research support from a physiotherapist's thesis, which evaluated the safe use of the device and its suitability for the management of muscle-related tension headaches. The aim of the thesis was to develop a clear user manual that guides consumers to the correct and safe use of the device.

How was the thesis completed?

The thesis was based on an extensive literature review, which examined:
🔹 Upper neck anatomy and function
🔹 Effects of manual therapy in the treatment of muscle tension headaches
🔹 The importance of muscle tension and ergonomics in headache management

The end result of the work was a user manual that provides practical instructions for the safe use of the device, including:
✔️ Correct device placement and usage
✔️ Recommended usage times for different user groups
✔️ Precautions and contraindications

Key findings

Muscle tension in the neck is a significant factor in tension headaches, and manual manipulation can help relieve symptoms.
Safe use of the device requires correct positioning, short periods of use, and breaks.
Ergonomics plays a role in headache prevention, and using the device can be part of a broader self-care regimen.
The user manual produced in the thesis guides you to safe and efficient use.

What next?

Although the thesis is not a large-scale clinical study, it provides important information on the safety and correct use of the Atlas Care neck stretcher. The next goal is to collect user experiences and conduct a larger study that examines the long-term effects of the device.

Our device is now available in pharmacies and our online store. Take a step towards natural pain management – ​​try it for yourself!

Read more about Atlas Care and get yours here

You can read the study here .

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